Growing saplings

Method Profit per action
Growing palm saplings
Growing maple saplings
Growing dragonfruit saplings
Growing yew saplings
Growing magic saplings
Growing redwood saplings

Making boots

Method Profit per action
Making Pegasian boots runecraft 60magic 60
Making Primordial boots runecraft 60magic 60
Making Eternal boots runecraft 60magic 60
Making Devout boots
Making Guardian boots
Making Boots of brimstone

Processing Zulrah drops

Method Profit per action
Dismantling Toxic staffs (dismantle Magic fang)
Dismantling Toxic staffs (keep Magic fang)
Dismantling Magic fangs
Dismantling Tanzanite fangs
Dismantling Uncharged toxic tridents
Dismantling Serpentine helms
Dismantling Serpentine visages
Making Serpentine helms crafting 52
Making Toxic blowpipes crafting 53

Making spirit shields

Method Profit per action
Making Spectral spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85
Making Arcane spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85
Making Elysian spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85

Processing godswords

Method Profit per action
Making Godsword blades smithing 80
Making Armadyl godswords
Making Bandos godswords
Making Saradomin godswords
Making Zamorak godswords

Zenyte jewellery

Method Profit per action
Making uncut zenytes
Making Amulets of torture crafting 98magic 93
Making Tormented bracelets crafting 98magic 93
Making Rings of suffering crafting 98magic 93
Making Necklaces of anguish crafting 98magic 93

Tanning dragonhide

Method Profit per action
Tanning Green dragonhide at tanner
Tanning Blue dragonhide at tanner
Tanning Red dragonhide at tanner
Tanning Black dragonhide at tanner
Casting Tan Leather on Green dragonhide
Casting Tan Leather on Blue dragonhide
Casting Tan Leather on Red dragonhide
Casting Tan Leather on Black dragonhide

Other money makers

Method Profit per action
Smithing cannonballs smithing 35
Crushing bird nests at Nardah
Crushing Superior dragon bones at Nardah
Smithing dragonfire shields smithing 90
Exchanging Watson teleports
Cleaning rune dart(p)
Cleaning adamant dart(p)
Opening egg sacs
Charging and High alching Bracelets of ethereum magic 55
Smithing Ancient wyvern shields smithing 66magic 66
Smithing Dragonfire wards smithing 90
Fletching Heavy ballistas fletching 72
Making Dragon hunter lances
Making Kodai wands

Got feedback, suggestions, bugs? Need help? Wanna find & share more good money makers? Join the Discord!