Growing saplings

Method Profit per action
Growing palm saplings +1,939gp
Growing maple saplings +1,982gp
Growing dragonfruit saplings +1,654gp
Growing yew saplings +2,223gp
Growing magic saplings +2,377gp
Growing redwood saplings +1,289gp

Making boots

Method Profit per action
Making Pegasian boots runecraft 60magic 60 -327,650gp
Making Primordial boots runecraft 60magic 60 -948,242gp
Making Eternal boots runecraft 60magic 60 -195,551gp
Making Devout boots +100,192gp
Making Guardian boots +234,885gp
Making Boots of brimstone +50,176gp

Processing Zulrah drops

Method Profit per action
Dismantling Toxic staffs (dismantle Magic fang) -290,033gp
Dismantling Toxic staffs (keep Magic fang) -282,533gp
Dismantling Magic fangs -7,500gp
Dismantling Tanzanite fangs -2,164,950gp
Dismantling Uncharged toxic tridents -105,005gp
Dismantling Serpentine helms -13,280gp
Dismantling Serpentine visages +1,098gp
Making Serpentine helms crafting 52 +14,378gp
Making Toxic blowpipes crafting 53 +117,392gp

Making spirit shields

Method Profit per action
Making Spectral spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85 +559,501gp
Making Arcane spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85 +831,301gp
Making Elysian spirit shields prayer 90smithing 85 -44,148,888gp

Processing godswords

Method Profit per action
Making Godsword blades smithing 80 +12,191gp
Making Armadyl godswords +190,293gp
Making Bandos godswords +141,072gp
Making Saradomin godswords +850,808gp
Making Zamorak godswords +580,746gp

Zenyte jewellery

Method Profit per action
Making uncut zenytes +449,630gp
Making Amulets of torture crafting 98magic 93 -565,772gp
Making Tormented bracelets crafting 98magic 93 -694,295gp
Making Rings of suffering crafting 98magic 93 -719,478gp
Making Necklaces of anguish crafting 98magic 93 -650,986gp

Tanning dragonhide

Method Profit per action
Tanning Green dragonhide at tanner +212gp
Tanning Blue dragonhide at tanner +372gp
Tanning Red dragonhide at tanner +258gp
Tanning Black dragonhide at tanner +491gp
Casting Tan Leather on Green dragonhide +766gp
Casting Tan Leather on Blue dragonhide +1,569gp
Casting Tan Leather on Red dragonhide +996gp
Casting Tan Leather on Black dragonhide +2,161gp

Other money makers

Method Profit per action
Smithing cannonballs smithing 35 +180gp
Crushing bird nests at Nardah +50gp
Crushing Superior dragon bones at Nardah +384gp
Smithing dragonfire shields smithing 90 -71,033gp
Exchanging Watson teleports +7,113gp
Cleaning rune dart(p) +14gp
Cleaning adamant dart(p) +6gp
Opening egg sacs +134gp
Charging and High alching Bracelets of ethereum magic 55 +1,488gp
Smithing Ancient wyvern shields smithing 66magic 66 +1,951,857gp
Smithing Dragonfire wards smithing 90 +3,207gp
Fletching Heavy ballistas fletching 72 +129,767gp
Making Dragon hunter lances +354,910gp
Making Kodai wands +1,074,579gp

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